F.lli Tanzi S.p.A. in order to ensure the best conditions of correctness and transparency in the conduct of business and company activities, together with the adoption of the Code of Ethics, it deemed it compliant with its company policies to proceed with the adoption of an Organizational Model in line with the provisions of the Legislative Decree 231/2001 which regulates the administrative liability of companies for crimes committed by top management or by employees or collaborators in the interest or to the advantage of the company itself
The Model adopted was defined on the basis of the Guidelines issued by Confindustria.
This initiative was taken in the belief that the adoption of this Model can constitute a valid tool for raising awareness among all the Company's employees and all other subjects involved in various capacities (Customers, Suppliers, Partners, Collaborators in various capacities ), so that they follow correct and linear behaviors in carrying out their activities in order to prevent the risk of committing crimes
The General Part and the Code of Ethics of the Model can be downloaded by selecting the items below.
Reports relevant to the Model and the Code of Ethics and the relevant regulations in force can be made by following the instructions of the Model and also using the Internet address: https://segnalazioni.fratellitanzi.it/#/
whose consultation is reserved exclusively for the Supervisory Body which has a specific duty of confidentiality and protection of the whistleblower